Available in
after you enroll
Available in
after you enroll
Available in
after you enroll
- Story 1: Part 1
- Context is Key: Part 1 (8:28)
- Context is Key: Part 2 (10:28)
- 1 Connections: links between the spoken and the sung voice (16:19)
- Laryngeal Disorders Part 1 (22:22)
- Working with Microphones (12:09)
- Story 1 Part 2
- Auditory Health (28:58)
- Vocal Fold Swelling (25:26)
- Cycles of Voice Demand, Voice Effort and Voice Fatigue (17:23)
- SOVTs (13:02)
- Story 1 Part 3
- Calming the Breathing System (19:37)
- Common Mental Health Problems (20:58)
- The Impact of Performance Anxiety on Vocal Health (8:42)
- Guided Vocal Massage - Part 1 (7:48)
- The emotional impact of a vocal pathology diagnosis (35:53)
Available in
after you enroll
Available in
after you enroll
- Story 2 - Part 1
- Film 1: General Background (9:46)
- Film 2: Where it starts (babies) (8:42)
- Film 3: Children Pre-school Singing (7:43)
- Film 4: Children 4 to 7 Years. (9:09)
- Film 5 - Children 7 to 11 years. (11:42)
- Story 2 - Part 2
- The importance of being trauma-aware (21:37)
- Film 6 - Adolescent singers - What is happening? (9:10)
- Film 7 - Adolescent Girls. (8:09)
- Film 8 - Technique for teenagers - Part 1. (8:17)
- Film 9 - Technique for teenagers - Part 2. (12:11)
- Film 10 - Adolescent boys: Assessing voice change. (10:14)
- Film 11 - Adolescent boys: Hearing voice change. (11:46)
- Film 12 - Group singing for children (14:28)
- 2 Foundations: the physical foundations of the 8 Voice Skills. (13:57)
- Clinical perspective on Muscle Tension Dysphonia (23:17)
- Coaching and teaching - how to listen (14:24)
- Vocal Folds Injuries: The Basics of Detection (13:36)
- Investigating the Breathing Cycle (19:42)
- Optimal Hydration (14:12)
- Guided Vocal Massage Part 2 (14:42)
- The motor skills of changing habits - simple directions on how to apply exercises (19:59)
Available in
after you enroll
Available in
after you enroll
- Story 3 Part 1
- CCM singers (53:06)
- 3 Descriptions: analysing spoken voice settings to guide practical voice work. (15:48)
- Exercise and the Voice (21:35)
- Reflux (15:30)
- Laryngeal Disorders Part 2 (14:06)
- Singing Voice Evaluation Part 1: Voice History Interview (24:33)
- Body Image, Exercise and Eating Disorders (14:01)
- Bodyweight and the Vocal Mechanism (15:47)
- Coaching and teaching - how to ask questions (12:14)
- Vocal Folds Injuries: The Basics of Prevention (23:12)
- Use of resonance for Vocal Health and efficiency (13:01)
- Balancing Breath and Tone (21:40)
- Musical Director Case Studies (29:16)
Available in
after you enroll
Available in
after you enroll
- Story 4 Part 1
- Caring for the Classical Singer (39:52)
- Film 13 - Young adult singers (5:08)
- Film 14 - Menopause (9:08)
- Film 15 - Wellbeing and causes of ageing (6:39)
- Film 16 - Ageing singers: What happens to the voice? (14:31)
- The Ageing Larynx (16:31)
- Singing Voice Evaluation Part 2: A Systematic Approach. (19:10)
- Osteopathy for Muscle Tension Dysphonia (12:13)
- Story 4 Part 2
- Upper Airway Disorders and the Voice Studio (18:15)
- Introduction to talk therapy/psychotherapy (20:28)
- 4 Integrations: Core Voice Skills exercises for the 8 Voice Skills. (17:03)
- Immune responses, viral infections and seasonal allergies (20:46)
- The impact of respiratory conditions on voice use (18:27)
- Nutrition for Immune Health (20:43)
- The Travelling Performer (23:33)
- How to adapt to permanent change. (27:28)
- Pacing the Return to Work (25:37)